Physical Optics and Biophotonics

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. hab. Maciej Wojtkowski

The research in our group can be seen as a synergistic interplay of physics, biology, and chemistry. We are focused on developing imaging techniques and using them in many biological and chemical systems. The uniqueness of our approach is using not only the amplitude of the light but also its phase in order to develop new, world-class imaging systems. Optical Coherence Tomography is a great example of such a method, and we are advancing its capabilities by implementing an innovative method for removal of image distortion ― STOC (Spatio Temporal Optical Coherence manipulation), which has the potential to largely increase the quality of imaging through opaque layers, such as skin.

All projects are aimed to bring to humanity new non-invasive imaging techniques, that will enhance our understanding of nature, increase quality of life, and extend longevity.

POB Address: ICTER Headquarters, Skierniewicka 10A, 01-230 Warsaw
Phone number: +48 607 293 453
Group Leader:
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