Computational Genomics Group

Principal Investigator: Marcin Tabaka, PhD

Research in our lab focuses on embracing high-throughput single-cell sequencing technologies to understand a cellular heterogeneity of healthy and diseased complex tissues with particular focus on the eye. We encourage highly motivated individuals at all levels of scientific training and background to reach out me regarding opportunities in our lab.

Research Summary

To gain valuable insights into complex biological systems and processes, it is essential to measure features of interest in individual cells. The single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics allow researchers to uncover rare cell types, reveal the diversity of cell populations, infer the developmental trajectories of cell lineages, and discover their regulatory mechanisms. Recent progress in developing high-throughput single-cell methods allows researchers to study cell types and states of a tremendous number of cells (1 million and beyond).

Contact details:

Phone: +48 609 877 462

Leader: Marcin Tabaka,

Coordinator: Lidia Wolińska-Nizioł,


Marcin Tabaka
Projects:                     OPUS 21 2021/41/B/NZ7/03786
                                    Science for the Society NdS-II/SP/0195/2023/01
                                    OPUS 25 2023/49/B/NZ9/01925
                                    MAB II (FENG.02.01IP.05-T005/23)


Joanna Bem
Project:                       Weave-Unisono 2023/05/Y/NZ6/00083 

Aleksandra Kornacka-Stackonis
Project:                       Sonata Bis 12 2022/46/E/NZ2/00370 

Natalia Ochocka-Lewicka
Project:                       Sonatina 8 2024/52/C/NZ2/00230
                                    Science for the Society NdS-II/SP/0195/2023/01
Stefania Robakiewicz
Project:                       MAB II (FENG.02.01IP.05-T005/23)

PhD students:

Maciej Ficek
Project:                       Sonata Bis 12 2022/46/E/NZ2/00370  

Piotr Rutkowski
Project:                       Preludium 2022/45/N/NZ2/02311  

Research specialist:

Kamil Krawczyński
Project:                       Sonata Bis 12 2022/46/E/NZ2/00370  


Damian Panas
Project:                       MAB II (FENG.02.01IP.05-T005/23)

Technical specialist:

Nataliya Galagan
Project:                       Science for the Society NdS-II/SP/0195/2023/01

Lidia Wolińska-Nizioł
Project:                       MAB II (FENG.02.01IP.05-T005/23) 


Hussein Nasrallah
Eramus+ Intership

Katarzyna Wojtak
Project:                       Sonatina 8 2024/52/C/NZ2/00230

Katarzyna Michalak
Project:                       Weave-Unisono 2023/05/Y/NZ6/00083 
