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Aktualne oferty pracy
Koordynator / Koordynatorka zespołu badawczego (MCBO-2_16/2024)
Do naszego dynamicznie rozwijającego się Centrum poszukujemy Koordynatora / Koordynatorki Zespołu Badawczego – kluczowej osoby w naszej strukturze organizacyjnej, odpowiedzialnej za utrzymanie najwyższego, światowego poziomu w prowadzeniu badań naukowych. Zakres obowiązków: Wymagania: Mile widziane: To oferujemy: Aplikuj szybko przez Oferta pracy Koordynator / Koordynatorka zespołu badawczego, Międzynarodowe Centrum Badań Oka – ICTER, Warszawa Termin […]
Dyrektor ds. Edukacji i Translacji ICTER (MCBO-2_15/2024)
ICTER (International Centre for Translational Eye Research) is seeking a Director of Education and Translation to play a key role in integrating cutting-edge vision research with educational initiatives, while driving the translation of scientific discoveries into real-world solutions. This position is crucial for fostering collaboration between researchers, educators, and industry partners, ensuring a lasting impact […]
Dyrektor ds. naukowych ICTER (MCBO-2_14/2024)
ICTER (International Centre for Translational Eye Research) is seeking an experienced and visionary Scientific Director with the academic rank of Professor or Professor Emeritus. We are looking for a leader with a strong background in managing RDI (Research, Development and Innovation) centres who is ready to shape the future of cutting-edge eye research. Familiarity with […]
Lider zespołu badawczego Zintegrowanej Biologii Strukturalnej (ISB) w ICTER – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
Application deadline: 31 October 2024 Successful candidates fulfilling the selection criteria and qualifications will be invited for an interview (which will most likely take place in person in November 2024). The competition results shall be announced by the end of December 2024. The competition may be extended until a suitable candidate who fulfills all requirements is […]
Lider zespołu badawczego – Laboratorium Obrazowania i Technologii Okulistycznych (IDoc) w ICTER
Offer Starting Date: 1 Dec 2024 Offer Description The International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) is a multi-investigator center for eye research as related to imaging and biochemical techniques to support advances in understanding the etiology and treatment of human blinding diseases. The new research agenda (carried under International Research Agenda’ project no. FENG.02.01-IP.05-T005/23) […]
PhD student in Computational Biology, Neuroinformatics and related (MCBO-2_7/2024) – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
ICTER seeks applicants with a MSc Degree, and experience in computational biology techniques such as neuronal network modeling, electrophysiological data analyses and/or bioinformatics. Candidates should be interested in translational research and the development of new therapies to cure blindness or eye diseases.The PhD scholar will have a direct impact on lab development and its success […]
PhD student in Molecular Neurobiology (MCBO-2_6/2024) – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
ICTER seeks applicants with a MSc degree, and experience in molecular biology or genetics. Candidates should be interested in translational research and the development of new therapies to cure blindness or eye diseases. The PhD scholar will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The […]
Postdoctoral researcher in Genomics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology (MCBO-2_9/2024) – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
ICTER seeks applicants with a PhD degree and experience in molecular biology and genomics.The Postdoctoral researcher will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high-impact factor journals. The person will also be responsible for performing dynamic research to create a competitive research group. The positions will be assigned to […]
Laboratory manager in Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genomics (MCBO-2_10/2024)
ICTER seeks applicants with a PhD degree and experience in molecular biology and genomics. The group is led by Dr. Marcin Tabaka (PI) and leverages high-throughput single-cell RNA and ATAC sequencing to address fundamental questions in eye research. We are looking for applicants for the Laboratory manager position, experienced in scientific activity who will be […]
PhD student in Machine Learning, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics (MCBO-2_8/2024) – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
ICTER seeks applicants with a MSc degree, and experience in machine and deep learning as well as bioinformatics. The PhD student will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The person will be also responsible for performing dynamic research to create a competitive research group. […]
PhD student in Optics, Biophysics (MCBO-2_2/2024) – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
ICTER is looking for candidates with a Master’s degree experience in physics, optics and photonics, and biomedical engineering data analysis. Candidates should be interested in translational research and developing new therapies to cure blindness or other diseases. The PhD scholar will directly impact lab development and its success in publishing in high-impact factor journals. The […]
PhD student in Optics, Biophysics (MCBO-2_1/2024) – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
ICTER is looking for candidates with a Master’s degree experience in physics, optics and photonics, and biomedical engineering data analysis. Candidates should be interested in translational research and the development of new therapies to cure blindness or other diseases. The PhD scholar will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing […]
PhD student in Physics, Optics & Engineering (MCBO-2_5/2024) – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
The IDoc Laboratory seeks PhD candidate with experience in optical system design, construction, and testing. The PhD student will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The person will be also responsible for performing dynamic research to create a competitive research group. The positions will […]
PhD student in Physics, Optics & Engineering (MCBO-2_4/2024) – rekrutacja rozstrzygnięta, wyniki
The IDoc Laboratory seeks PhD candidate with experience in optical system design, construction, and testing. The PhD student will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The person will be also responsible for performing dynamic research to create a competitive research group. The positions will […]
PhD Student in Structural Biology (2 vacancies) (MCBO-2_3/2024) – competition ended, vacancy filled
ICTER seeks applicants with Master’s degree experience in biochemistry, molecular biology, or structural biology. Candidates should be interested in structural biology. The PhD scholars will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The person will be also responsible for performing dynamic research to create a […]