Patricio Espinoza Guevara, MSc
Electronic, Telecommunication and Network Engineer, Polytechnic of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), Ecuador; Master’s in Photonics from the Warsaw University of Technology
Physical optics, two-photon vision, terahertz radiation
He pursued his Master’s studies remotely during the pandemic at the Universidad de la Rioja (UNIR) in Spain, earning a degree in Educational Technologies and Digital Skills. Afterwards, he continued his education in Poland, obtaining a Master’s in Photonics from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). Patricio also worked as a technical professor at his alma mater in Ecuador (ESPOCH) and taught Spanish and English in Poland while completing his Master’s degree.
His hobbies are photography, edition of videos and photos, read books, box, mixed martial arts, professional dancer and he is a scout.
Patricio joined ICTER, the Physical Optics and Biophotonics (POB) group as a Specialist in October, 2024, where he is involved in the project “Observation of the visual cycle in vivo using fluorescence with two-photon excitation”.