Grants and financial support
With grants, we develop cutting-edge ideas and conduct pioneering scientific projects in response to the current challenges and needs of humanity.
Granted projects
in SONATA, SONATA BIS, SONATINA, DAINA, OPUS, PRELUDIUM, MINIATURA, and WEAVE UNISONO calls of the Polish National Science Centre. Also, PASIFIC grant awarded by Polish Academy of Sciences; funding for CRATER conference and SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY project awarded from the Ministry of Education and Science; and PROOF OF CONCEPT granted by the Foundation for Polish Science. The Potocki Foundation Grant has also been secured.
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Granted projects
Project title: Interrogation of the antigen presentation dynamics via MHCII in tumor immune evasion through multimodal single-cell sequencing. In this research project we aim to elucidate the mechanisms underlying antigen presentation via Major Histocompatibility Complex class II (MHC-II) in tumor-activated antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and their contribution to immune evasion. Leveraging innovative molecular biology techniques we […]
Potocki Foundation Grant
Project title: Genome and transcriptome study of tumours In this project, we plan to apply a state-of-the-art single-cell multimodal profiling method to study eye tumours. Multimodal profiling allows, in a single experiment to obtain detailed multi-layer data that, when analysed using machine and deep learning methods, provide a complete picture of the genotype and phenotype of […]
Project title: Light-induced photoreceptor morphological changes – Towards objective and impartial diagnostics in ophthalmology Recently functional imaging devices have been gaining popularity, but still, for some, the molecules responsible for the changes observed are unknown, and the full potential of a diagnostic tool can only be unleashed when the biology behind it is fully understood. […]
Proof of Concept FENG/ FnP
Project title: Retinal display based on two-photon vision for augmented reality One of the main problems with augmented reality (AR: Augmented Reality) technologies is that simultaneously achieving satisfactory clarity and quality: (1) the image of the outside world and (2) the additional information displayed against it, requires a compromise. Current solutions on the market are […]
Project title: The effect of Western diet modified with vegetable oils on the healing process of skin wounds in mice The aim of the project is to show that changing eating habits by partial substitution of dietary animal fat by plant oils improves skin wound healing by reducing pro-inflammatory effect of WD and restoring skin […]
Science for Society II / MEiN
Project title: Breakthrough single cell profiling method for cancer research The development of targeted therapies, has made the fight against cancer more effective, although their availability is limited due to their high cost. Technological advances and the development of new treatment modalities can reduce the financial outlay for oncotherapy, which in the long term will […]
Project title: Spatial Determinants of Immunotherapy Resistance in Cancer In this project we have outlined a series of experiments to analyze the cellular and transcriptional changes associated with tumor infiltrating immune cells. This research project is highly interdisciplinary implementing single-cell ‘omics’ strategies and systems immunology approaches to further unravel the players and rules governing immune responses during […]
Project title: Chimeric Rhodopsin as a novel optogenetic tool. This project aims to develop novel proof-of-concept chimeric opsins with exceeded functionality to mimic natural circuit mechanisms and information processing within a degenerated retina. We propose that chimeric RecRho variants may constitute a new gene therapy strategy in retinal diseases. We hypothesize that moderate light levels […]
Project title: A new approach for gene delivery into retinal bipolar cells. This project aims to develop a novel proof-of-concept approach to therapeutic gene delivery using a modified Rabies virus as a vector specific to bipolar cells. We propose that specific targeting of the surviving cell population within the degenerated retina, especially bipolar cells (BC) […]
Project title: Comprehensive, multimodal profiling of chromatin states and gene expression in single cells. The main aim of this project is to develop an experimental protocol to simultaneously measure dozens of histone modifications and DNA-bound proteins, accessibility of the chromatin, and RNA molecules that are polyadenylated (protein coding genes) and non-polyadenylated (regulatory RNAs). This comprehensive […]
Project title: Parallel interferometric near-infrared spectroscopy for noninvasive monitoring of the cerebral blood flow in humans in vivo. This project aims to develop a fast optical system for noninvasive continuous cerebral blood flow monitoring in humans in vivo. To achieve this goal, we aim to parallelize the iNIRS system. The collected optical signals will be recorded […]
Project title: Topic modeling for multimodal single-cell data The project aims to develop a new topic modeling algorithm able to compress data from multimodal single-cell sequencing into a form that is drastically smaller in size and easily interpreted. To the best of our knowledge no one has yet attempted to model multimodal topics for single-cell […]
Project title: Screening of HDAC Inhibitors with Single-Cell Transcriptome and Epigenome Readouts. The scientific activity under Miniatura research grant is a pilot study aimed at testing the profiling of cancer cells’ responses to selected chemical compounds at single-cell and single-clone resolution, with full determination of changes in the transcriptome and chromatin availability after drug administration. […]
Julita Machlowska Project title: Mapping the dynamics of epigenomic and transcriptomic bases of cell differentiation in patients diagnosed with conjunctival MALT lymphoma by using SHARE-seq technology. This project aims to conduct preliminary research in the field of transcriptome and epigenome analysis at the level of single cells in a group of patients diagnosed with conjunctival […]
The project titled „Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research” received 320 000 PLN of financial support from “Exellence Science –Support Science Conference” programme, funded by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. Total cost of the project is 364 793 PLN.
PASIFIC Fellowship Programme /PAS
The project entitled Development of a non-invasive diagnostic method for early detection of changes in the level of retinol binding protein 3 (RBP3) linked to Diabetic Retinopathy received funding within PASIFIC Programme. The Programme is co-funded by Polish Academy of Sciences and the European Union under Marie Skłodowska-Curie CO-FUND scheme, Horizon 2020. It enables scholars of all nationalities and across all scientific disciplines to establish […]
The project ” Benchmarking Human Tissue Culture Systems that Mimic the Tumor Microenvironment ” received funding from the OPUS 21 program. Funding in the amount of 954 650 PLN was granted by Polish National Science Centre.In this collaborative, inter-disciplinary project the researchers from University of Warsaw, ICTER at IPC and Medical University in Lublin (consrotium leader) […]
Sonata 16 /NSC
This project is designed to investigate the Basal Forebrain's role in visual information processing. The BF is the primary source of cholinergic inputs into the visual cortex, and therefore the main source of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter. We propose that cholinergic modulation coming from BF will significantly impact single neuronal responses of the primary visual cortex (V1) in Long-Evans rats.
To follow the progression and treatment of degenerative diseases, new in vivo imaging modalities are required. Building on the state of the art technology and recent advances in physical optics, we propose to develop new methods for repeatable and safe imaging to assess morphological and functional aspects of individual cells within human body. We will focus on methods derivative to Optical Coherence Tomography OCT, which is the most promising method for providing non-invasive, high-speed volumetric structural, and functional imaging at cellular-level.
The project entitled “Monolithic imaging fiber optic probes with integrated spherical lenses of different refractive indices” received funding from the Miniatura 5 Programme funded by National Science Centre. The total funding is 27500 PLN.In the awarded grant, dr Karnowski will explore novel methods for the fabrication of all-fiber imaging probes. The proposed approach, if successful, will […]
Sonata Bis 9 /NSC
Development of a method to restore visual function using a modified rabies virus Eye, and particularly the retina, is a “window into the brain”. It reveals sufficient information aboutpatient condition, and for humans, it is the main organ responsible for world perception. The retinais a very fragile and complex structure, located on the back of […]
Funding institutions

Foundation for Polish Science
The Foundation for Polish Science has been in operation since 1991. It is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit institution that pursues the mission of supporting science. It is the largest source of science funding in Poland outside of the state budget.

National Science Center, Poland
National Science Center is a government agency, supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, set up in 2011 to support basic research in Poland.

Polish Ministry of Education and Science
Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) - a Polish government administration office serving the minister responsible for government administration departments of education and upbringing and higher education and science.

Polish Academy of Sciences
Polish Academy of Sciences - a state scientific institution that carries out activities for the development, promotion, integration and dissemination of science.