
A new way to monitor eye microcirculation. Multiwavelength laser Doppler holography (MLDH) in time-frequency optical tomography OCT (STOC-T)

For the eyes to function properly, they must be adequately supplied with blood, and abnormalities in the microcirculation may indicate dysfunctions in other arteries, which are difficult to examine. For the first time, scientists from the International Centre from Translational Eye Research (ICTER), operating within the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, used multiwavelength laser Doppler holography to assess blood flow in various layers of the human retina in vivo, which may impact the diagnosis of circulatory disorders.

Spatio-temporal optical coherence tomography (STOC-T) is a novel method for fast and aberration-free three-dimensional retinal imaging in vivo. In previous research, ICTER scientists used a multimode optical fiber, i.e. one that at its end emits several hundred non-repeating spatial patterns in the cross-section of the beam (so-called transverse modes) to obtain hundreds of OCT images which, when added together, reduce undesirable effects, including: speckle noise.

It turns out that the data set obtained during the STOC-T study can be processed in such a way as to reveal blood flow in the human retina. Classically, visualization of blood vessels requires at least two volumes. Subtracting them from each other allows you to determine voxels whose intensity changed during the measurement. From there images of blood vessels are generated. However, this approach requires very fast repetition times, which are not available in STOC-T. To solve this problem, ICTER scientists have developed a new method, called multiwavelength laser Doppler holography (MLDH), which allows the generation flow images from one volume, which may revolutionize the way of monitoring not only the microcirculation of the eye but also the condition of the entire body.

The research was carried out by Dawid Borycki, Egidijus Auksorius, Piotr Węgrzyn, Kamil Liżewski, Sławomir Tomczewski, Karol Karnowski and Maciej Wojtkowski from ICTER, and the results were published in the journal Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in a paper titled “Multiwavelength laser Doppler holography (MLDH) in spatiotemporal optical coherence tomography (STOC-T)“.

What is microcirculation?

Microcirculation is the part of the cardiovascular system located between the arterial and venous systems. Microcirculation consists of vessels with a diameter of less than 150 μm, called capillaries. Arterial and venous elements are connected by “bridges” called metarterioles, from which some of the capillaries branch off. They contain the so-called precapillary sphincters, which regulate blood flow through the capillaries. The task of microcirculation is to deliver nutrients, exchange gases and metabolites, as well as regulate thermal and humoral processes.

Due to their unique accessibility, retinal arteries enable easy assessment of early vascular changes in vivo. Changes in retinal microcirculation mean global changes in the circulatory system, and therefore potential cardiac disorders. Additionally, pathological changes detected during the assessment of retinal microcirculation are one of the first signs of organ damage, which may precede, for example, proteinuria.

The retina is vascularized by two vascular systems: the choroid, which primarily supplies cones and rods; and the central retinal artery, mainly feeding the nervous tissue in the inner layers. The two systems differ in the amount of blood flow, which is much higher in the choroid than in the retinal vessels. Moreover, in the choroid, there are also significantly lower differences in blood oxygenation between arterial and venous vessels. When assessing retinal microcirculation, it is very important to precisely determine the measurement site.

Since the invention of the first ophthalmoscope in 1851 by Helmholtz, the fundus of the eye has been assessed. Even though this test was not very accurate, it allowed a small extent to assess the damage to the retinal microcirculation in the course of various diseases. In 1939, a 4-stage classification of hypertensive angiopathy and the relationship between subsequent stages of retinal vessels and an increased risk of a cardiovascular event were presented.

The study of retinal vessels has undergone a huge revolution, especially noticeable in the last 30 years. Currently, there are many tools available to assess the diameter of the vessel, the thickness of its wall, or the speed of blood flow based on the assessment of flowing erythrocytes or leukocytes. Another one just appeared.

Laser Doppler flowmetry and its modifications

One of the first non-invasive methods for assessing retinal microcirculation was laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). In the early 1980s, it began to be more widely used in the study of flows in tissues and organs. This method uses a helium-neon laser with a wavelength of 632,8 nm.

Light is reflected from red blood cells moving in the vessels and from the solid, motionless surface of the skin. LDF results are presented as erythrocyte flow values ​​expressed in arbitrary perfusion units (PU), as it is not possible to calibrate the measurement to physiological units. This is not an ideal method because it assumes that the examined area should remain completely still, otherwise, artifacts will be created that affect the result.

An extension of LDF is scanning laser Doppler flowmetry (SLDF), which allows not only the assessment of retinal microcirculation parameters but also the morphology of the arterioles themselves. In turn, bidirectional laser Doppler flowmetry (BLDV) involves a complete assessment of the flow velocity of erythrocytes in the retina.

The Doppler spectrum of the laser can be decomposed to obtain the velocity distribution of moving cells. Recently, a similar approach was used to visualize in vivo velocity-resolved images of human retinal blood flow. For this purpose, laser Doppler holography (LDH) was introduced and used, in which the shifted Doppler optical field, backscattered from the retina, is detected using a holographic or interferometric full-field optical system.

A new technique for imaging eye microcirculation

Both LDF and LDH use light with a fixed wavelength. For this reason, both techniques in their original implementation do not provide detailed information about blood flow encoded in the optical field, which changes over time due to movement. A very interesting approach is the combination of dual-beam Doppler with optical tomography (OCT), which enables imaging and assessment of retinal layers. This, in turn, allows for simultaneous assessment of blood velocity and blood flow in the retinal vessels.

ICTER scientists recently demonstrated that by spatially modulating the phase of incident light, the laser’s spatial coherence can be reduced. Using a technique called spatio-temporal optical coherence tomography (STOC-T), it is possible to obtain many different OCT images, which, when averaged, allow for the removal of noise and distortions. This approach allows for in vivo imaging of the choroid with high spatial resolution.

It turns out that the same dataset can also be used to extract dynamic images of blood flow in the human retina. Individual two-dimensional STOC-T images, after appropriate digital correction, can be used to increase time resolution and obtain flow images. Now, a team led by Dr. Dawid Borycki has developed and tested an innovative method using STOC-T tomography to improve the visualization of blood flow in the human retina in vivo using the so-called multiwavelength laser Doppler holography (MLDH). It combines laser flowmetry with holographic multiwavelength detection, allowing non-invasive visualization and quantification of blood flow in various layers of the retina. This is possible at high blood cell flow rates and with high resolution. This combined approach enables effective assessment of eye microcirculation and, ultimately, extrapolation of the obtained results to the entire circulatory system.

  • Our method enables the acquisition of two-dimensional images of blood flow en face from a stack of interferometric images with different wavelengths recorded in ~8.5 ms. This time is comparable to the time needed in the case of conventional optical OCT (assuming a scanning frequency of 100 kHz) to register a pair of repeated cross-sectional scans, from which a one-dimensional image of blood flow can be obtained – says Dr. Dawid Borycki from ICTER, one of the authors of the newly published work.

It is worth adding that the implementation of MLDH does not require any modification of the standard STOC-T tomography protocol because this method uses blood flow information from the same data set. Therefore, MLDH can be considered a valuable extension of STOC-T tomography, which gives a complete picture of what is happening in our retina.

Author: Scientific Editor Marcin Powęska.


“Multiwavelength laser doppler holography (MLDH) in spatiotemporal optical coherence tomography (STOC-T)” authors: Dr. Dawid Borycki, Dr. Egidijus Auksorius, Piotr Węgrzyn, Dr. Eng. Kamil Liżewski, Dr. Eng. Sławomir Tomczewski, Dr. Karol Karnowski, Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski.

Photo description: Nature repeats patterns in the most unexpected yet ordinary places. Just like the intricate network of blood vessels in the human eye, the tree branches in a park create mesmerizing patterns. In this photo, Dawid, the first author of our latest paper on retinal blood vessel imaging, admires the natural beauty of the trees nearby.

Photos: Dr. Karol Karnowski.


ICTER is changing into a Centre of Excellence! “Teaming for Excellence” competition within Horizon Europe resolved

The International Centre for Eye Research (ICTER) is one of the winners of the prestigious “Teaming for Excellence” competition within Horizon Europe (HE). The funding will allow the establishment of a Centre of Excellence. ICTER’s current mission – creating modern ophthalmic diagnostic tools and combating eye diseases affecting over 250 million people worldwide – will be implemented on an even larger scale.

The Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IChF), under the Translational Research and Innovation in Ophthalmology Vision – Centre of Excellence (TRIO-VI CoE), will elevate the existing sub-unit, the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER), to a Centre of Scientific Excellence. The new Centre for Scientific Excellence will operate in Warsaw and will be established in cooperation with strategic partners: the Institute of Ophthalmology from University College London and the Institut de la Vision at Sorbonne Université. ICTER CoE will continue the Centre’s mission to date, which is to advance new technologies leading to the development of new eye treatment methods in the fields of minimally invasive surgery, biochemical control of protein machinery, genetic repair of inherited diseases, and tissue engineering; and also, the advancement of optical imaging technology and state-of-the-art robotics to assist in eye surgery and drug delivery.

The project leader is Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski, who almost 25 years ago built the first laboratory system for examining the retina and changed the paradigm of eye imaging.

ICTER CoE is a milestone aimed at unleashing the full scientific and commercialization potential of ICTER and intensifying its impact on society, science, education, and health by accelerating the introduction of therapies and new solutions in eye protection. The project is a response to the growing global health problem associated with eye diseases – lack of early diagnosis for many diseases, lack of effective therapies slowing down the progression of the disease, and – most importantly – lack of effective methods of restoring vision. The ambitious goal of ICTER CoE is to contribute to overcoming each of the above barriers, improving patients’ quality of life, and reducing the burden on national healthcare systems.

The main scientific goal of the ICTER CoE is to thoroughly investigate the dynamics and plasticity of the human eye, which will translate into the development of new therapies and diagnostic tools. The most important challenges facing the ICTER CoE include:

• creating modern methods of optical eye imaging and diagnostic tools for ophthalmological practice;

• deciphering the mechanisms of eye diseases – both rare and common;

• developing gene therapies and alternative methods of treating existing vision disorders;

• educating and training young scientists and doctors;

• creating a virtual eye clinic;

Centres of Excellence are a way to develop the best research institutes

Creating new or improving existing Centres of Excellence is an effective instrument for including Polish scientific and research institutions in the world elite. In our country, there are currently 4 projects implemented as part of the “Teaming for Excellence” programme, and three more are now joining. In addition to ICTER, the Astronomical Center named after Nicolaus Copernicus Polish Academy of Sciences (Astrocent Plus) and Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development (P4Health). Poland is the only country that received funding for three projects in this prestigious competition.

Each project will last six years and will receive a grant from the Horizon Europe Framework Program in the amount of 15 million euros. The funds from the European Commission will be supplemented by the Foundation for Polish Science under the MAB FENG program (8 million euros) and by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (7 million euros).

We congratulate the other winners of the competition and look forward to the success of the Centres of Excellence being created.

Author: Scientific Editor Marcin Powęska.


The f-ORG technique will detect the smallest changes in human photoreceptors – new paper in Optics Letters

Photoreceptors are the fundamental component of the entire vision process. These specialized cells that absorb light and trigger a specific physiological reaction in the body come in two varieties: cones (responsible for sharp color vision) and rods (responsible for black-and-white vision in low light, e.g. after dark). To properly receive visual stimuli and perceive the world around us, we need both in large quantities.

Flicker electroretinography (f-ERG) is a valuable tool that has been used for decades to study the physiological functions of the retina. Scientists from the International Centre for Translational Eye Research – ICTER, operating within the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, have made great progress in developing a technique that is its optical equivalent – flicker optoretinography (f-ORG) – which may be applied in diagnosing certain visual disorders.

A team of scientists consisting of Sławomir Tomczewski, Piotr Węgrzyn, Maciej Wojtkowski and Andrea Curatolo developed a method that allows for quick measurement of the frequency characteristics of photoreceptors’ response to flicker stimulation. The work “Chirped flicker optoretinography for in vivo characterization of human photoreceptors’ frequency response to light” was published in the journal Optics Letters.

Optoretinography is a step ahead of electroretinography

Many eye diseases have a complex structure-function relationship, and photoreceptor abnormalities often manifest themselves on various levels, including their appearance and operation. The time interval between functional deficits and the perceived pathological changes in the eye is variable and difficult to determine, and in ophthalmological practice, psychophysical methods (e.g. microperimetry, tests of sensitivity to flickering light) and electrophysical methods (e.g. electroretinography) are used.

Electroretinography (ERG) is an objective, slightly invasive method capable of measuring electrical potentials from retinal neurons in response to light stimulation. This technique has proven effective in the early detection of retinitis pigmentosa, X-linked retinal detachment, and diabetic retinopathy. In recent years, it has been shown that optical coherence tomography (OCT) allows the detection of small changes in the structure of the retina occurring in response to a light stimulus. This was the basis for developing optoretinography (ORG) – the optical and non-invasive equivalent of ERG.

Professor Maciej Wojtkowski’s team focuses on the use of flickering light to stimulate the retina (f-ORG method). In 2022, in their previous publication on f-ORG, the ICTER team showed that it is possible to perform f-ORG measurements in a largefrequency range (up to 50 Hz). In their latest work, the ICTER research team proposed a new approach to f-ORG measurements allowing for quick determination of the frequency characteristics of photoreceptors.

“A flicker protocol with variable instantaneous frequency combined with appropriate light adaptation has two advantages. On the one hand, it enables rapid measurement of the frequency response characteristics of photoreceptors; on the other hand, it also allows you to shorten the time between measurements by avoiding several minutes of adaptation to darkness.” – says Dr. Sławomir Tomczewski from ICTER.

Important findings regarding f-ORG

In the standard f-ORG approach, obtaining a full frequency response of the human eye’s photoreceptors to flicker requires a large number of measurements at separate stimulus frequencies and time-consuming data processing for each of these sets.

Implementing variable frequency flicker into f-ORG significantly decreases the number of measurements needed to characterize the frequency response of photoreceptors, drastically reducing the time required to conduct experiments and analyze data. ICTER scientists have shown that there are no significant differences between results obtained using this new, fast approach and a separatefrequency flicker ORG.

Taking into account the limited number of objects and measurements, the research carried out is preliminary and requires further development. Work is currently underway to explain the mechanism of the phenomenon used in ORG and its relationship with the vision process. Ultimately, the new tool developed at ICTER may deliver a new frequency response-based biomarker for early detection of retinal diseases and therapy monitoring.

Author of the press note: Marcin Powęska.

Related paper:

“Chirped flicker optoretinography for in vivo characterization of human photoreceptors’ frequency response to light” authors: Dr. Sławomir Tomczewski; Piotr Węgrzyn, Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski and Dr. Andrea Curatolo. Journal: Optics Letters. Vol. 49, Issue 9, pp. 2461-2464 (2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.514637.

Image: Piotr Węgrzyn & DALL-E.


ICTER at the Ursynów Science Festival in Warsaw on May 23 – invitation to optical and eye model design workshops

We kindly invite the public to visit our stands and participate in the workshops that we have prepared for young people and adults at the Ursynów Science Festival in Warsaw this Thursday. Please see below for details.

📅 Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024
🕒 Time: 12:00-18:00
📍 Location: Ursynów Cultural Center “Alternatywy”, 9 Indira Gandhi Street, Warsaw, Poland
🚇 Public transport by metro: M1, Imielin stop
🎫 Free admission, youth and adults welcome

𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹, first floor of Ursynów Cultural Center “Alternatywy”

𝗜𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗜𝗜 Room:
Workshop – Designing the eye model
12:15-12:45 p.m.

Workshop – Optical illusions
14:00-14:30 hrs.
14:45-15:15 hrs

𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗷𝗸𝗼 Room:
Optical workshop

𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 at Ursynów Cultural Center “Alternatywy”

Sight – the most important of the senses:

  • Visual acuity test, vision test
  • Poster on retinal diseases and OCT method
  • Information on research being developed at ICTER
  • Stereoscopic and color vision

The idea of the festival is to popularize science among young, but also older residents of Ursynów and Warsaw. The festival is organized by LXIII Lajos Kossuth High School in Warsaw together with the Ursynów District of the City of Warsaw.

More information and schedule of the event: https://ursynow.um.warszawa.pl/-/ursynowski-festiwal-nauki-3.

We look forward to welcoming the public to this activity.


European Funds Open Days at ICTER – we invite you to an educational workshop for youth and adults “Sight – the most important of the senses” on May 10, 2024

The full description of the event is available in Polish below.

Międzynarodowe Centrum Badań Oka – ICTER, działające w ramach Instytutu Chemii Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, jest ośrodkiem naukowo-badawczym stworzonym w celu rozwinięcia nowoczesnych technologii wspierających diagnostykę i terapię chorób oczu, pozwalających na szybsze wdrożenie nowych terapii. Naukowcy z ICTER współpracują z prestiżowymi ośrodkami okulistycznymi w Europie i Ameryce Północnej: Institute of Ophthalmology w University College London, oraz Gavin Herbert Eye Institute na Uniwersytecie Kalifornijskim w Irvine.

Projekt „Międzynarodowe Centrum Badań Oka” jest realizowany w ramach działania MAB FENG 02.01. Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego, z Funduszy Europejskich dla Nowoczesnej Gospodarki, nr umowy FENG.02.01-IP.05-T005/23.

W ramach obchodów 20-lecia Polski w UE, w 2024 roku ICTER bierze udział w akcji Dni Otwarte Funduszy Europejskich. Oferujemy Państwu udział w edukacyjnych warsztatach dla młodzieży i dorosłych: „Wzrok – najważniejszy ze zmysłów” w siedzibie ICTER przy ul. Skierniewickiej 10A (parter) w dzielnicy Wola w Warszawie (01-230), w piątek 10 maja, o godzinie 11:00 lub 13:00 (do wyboru przy rejestracji).

Poniżej przedstawiamy plan warsztatów:

1. Oglądanie przygotowanych elementów biologicznych w powiększeniu przy użyciu mikroskopu świetlnego.

2. Ocena siatkówki oka przy użyciu optycznej koherentnej tomografii (OCT). Wykonanie pomiaru* za pomocą komercyjnego urządzenia OCT Revo firmy Optopol. 

*Konieczna jest podpisana zgoda na badanie przez uczestnika bądź prawnego opiekuna osoby biorącej udział w wydarzeniu. 

Optyczna Koherentna Tomografia (OCT) to nieinwazyjna, bezdotykowa metoda wykorzystywana w obrazowaniu struktury siatkówki oka ludzkiego w wysokiej rozdzielczości. Metoda ta wykorzystuje wiązkę światła, którą skanowana jest siatkówka oka, a następnie analizowany jest współczynnik odbicia światła od poszczególnych warstw siatkówki. Badanie OCT umożliwia ocenę grubości siatkówki oraz diagnostykę chorób narządu wzroku. 

Grupa 1 (maks. 20 osób):

11.00 – 11.15 – przywitanie gości oraz prezentacja

11.15 – 11.50 – warsztat grupa 1

zwiedzanie laboratoriów grupa 2

11.55 – 12.30 – warsztat grupa 2

zwiedzanie laboratoriów grupa 1

Grupa 2 (maks. 20 osób):

13.00 – 13.15 – przywitanie gości oraz prezentacja

13.15 – 13.50 – warsztat grupa 3

zwiedzanie laboratoriów grupa 4

13.55 – 14.30 – warsztat grupa 4

zwiedzanie laboratoriów grupa 3

Rejestracja w warsztatach:

W celu wzięcia udziału w warsztatach, wymagana jest uprzednia rejestracja. Formularz rejestracyjny dostępny jest pod linkiem: https://forms.office.com/e/D4tHE7vtBN. Zapisy przyjmujemy do 7 maja 2024 r. włącznie.

Regulamin wydarzenia oraz klauzule RODO:

Prosimy o zapoznanie się z Planem, Regulaminem, jak również klauzulami RODO dot. wydarzenia pod linkiem: https://icter.pl/pl/plan-i-regulamin-uczestnictwa-w-edukacyjnych-warsztatach-dla-mlodziezy-i-doroslych-wzrok-najwazniejszy-ze-zmyslow-w-icter-ichf-pan-2/.

Udział młodzieży w warsztatach, wymagana zgoda:

Oprócz dorosłych serdecznie zapraszamy również młodzież (powyżej 12 roku życia) do uczestnictwa w naszych warsztatach edukacyjnych. Udział w Warsztatach osób, które nie ukończyły 18 roku życia, wymaga dostarczenia oryginału zgody rodzica lub opiekuna prawnego do ICTER na ul. Skierniewicką 10A (parter) w Warszawie (01-230) w dniu warsztatów.

Formularz zgody znajduje się pod linkiem: https://icter.pl/pl/zgoda-rodzica-lub-opiekuna-prawnego-na-udzial-dziecka-w-edukacyjnych-warsztatach-dla-mlodziezy-i-doroslych-wzrok-najwazniejszy-ze-zmyslow-w-siedzibie-icter-2/.

Pomiar OCT, wymagana zgoda:

Jedną z atrakcji, które oferujemy w ramach edukacyjnych warsztatów dla młodzieży i dorosłych „Wzrok najważniejszy ze zmysłów” w siedzibie ICTER jest ocena siatkówki oka przy użyciu optycznej koherentnej tomografii (OCT) poprzez wykonanie pomiaru za pomocą komercyjnego urządzenia OCT Revo firmy Optopol. W celu wzięcia udziału w pomiarze konieczna jest podpisana zgoda na badanie przez uczestnika bądź prawnego opiekuna osoby biorącej udział w wydarzeniu. Poniżej znajduje się link do treści formularza zgody, jak również do informacji dot. RODO związanych z pomiarem.

ZGODA NA POMIAR OCT REVO: https://icter.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Zgoda-na-pomiar-OCT-Revo-w-ICTER.pdf.

INFORMACJE RODO DOT. POMIARU OCT REVO: https://icter.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/RODO-Badania-OCT-Revo.pdf.

W przypadku uczestników małoletnich (powyżej 12 roku życia) prosimy o wydrukowanie, podpisanie formularza przez rodzica lub opiekuna prawnego dziecka i dostarczenie go na warsztaty w dniu wydarzenia do ICTER na ul. Skierniewicką 10A (parter) w Warszawie (01-230).

Uczestnicy pełnoletni mają możliwość podpisania formularza w dniu warsztatów, przed przystąpieniem do pomiaru OCT.

Obchody 20-lecia Polski w UE:

Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia strony 20lat.eu, gdzie widnieją nasze edukacyjne warsztaty dla młodzieży i dorosłych „Wzrok najważniejszy ze zmysłów” oraz inne wydarzenia w ramach Dni Otwartych Funduszy Europejskich: Dwudziestolecie Polski w Unii Europejskiej (20lat.eu).


Exploring new horizons in eye research: CRATER 2023 Conference summary

CRATER 2023 is a unique event prepared by ICTER as a place to exchange ideas, disseminate research results, and explore the latest achievements related to the most important of our senses: vision.

Since 2019, scientists at the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) have been working on breakthrough technologies for imaging and diagnosing eye diseases, facilitating procedures to save or restore vision. The research is interdisciplinary and covers biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science. A summary of the first period of ICTER’s activity was CRATER – Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research 2023 – which took place in the heart of Warsaw, at the Copernicus Science Center, on September 7-8, 2023. For the implementation of the event, a grant of PLN 320,000 was obtained under the “Excellent Science – Support for Scientific Conferences” program, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science. The event was co-organized by the Candela Foundation, whose statutory activity focuses on supporting the development of optics and photonics in Poland.

The conference aimed to bring together experts from various fields dealing with the process of vision in one place and enable them to exchange scientific ideas, as well as to create a bridge between the scientific world and industry. The conference focused on the latest achievements in the field of vision research, as well as new technologies and diagnostic tools, as well as methods of treating eye diseases. The range of topics covered was wide and included, among others: optogenetics, OCT optical tomography, two-photon imaging, structural biology, bioinformatics, electrophysiology, and the medical use of artificial intelligence (machine learning and deep learning).

Extraordinary guests and extraordinary conversations at CRATER 2023

Anna Clunes, British Ambassador to Poland, inaugurated the conference. During CRATER 2023, there were many interesting presentations in which experts from various specializations shared their knowledge. The conference was graced by the presence of such names as Pablo Artal, Chris Dainty, Francesca Fanelli, Arie Gruzman, Alison Hardcastle, Karl-Wilhelm Koch, Serge Picaud, and Olaf Strauss. Topics covered include the function of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the possibility of restoring vision, the aging process of cells in the retinal vessels or the mechanisms of geographic atrophy (GA), the advanced stage of the dry form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Parallel sessions covered, among others: the modeling of hereditary retinal diseases, processing of visual information, protection of light-sensitive cells (cones and rods), and the potential use of rhodopsin conformational modulators. All of these presentations offered a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the field of vision research.

During CRATER 2023, prizes were awarded for the best-presented posters containing descriptions of scientific research. Lynn Kandakji, representing the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, was honored for her poster titled “Subclinical Keratoconus Detection Using Deep Learning on Raw Anterior-Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging.” Wiktor Kulesza from ICTER also received a distinction for his poster titled “Hemodynamics Monitoring in Mouse Retinal Vessels via Ultrafast Volumetric Spatio-Temporal Optical Coherence Tomography (STOC-T) Imaging”.

Success has many names

The conference provided a unique opportunity for those outside the eye research community to gain a concise and understandable overview of ICTER’s scientific achievements. Łukasz Kornaszewski, Deputy Director for Intellectual Property at ICTER, said:

Our industrial partners had the opportunity to see us in a natural environment. This event was an unusual and very effective way for non-specialists to understand the depth of our scientific achievements. We prepared informative and concise content, which made it accessible to a wider audience.

Looking at this event from yet another perspective and analyzing the impact of the CRATER conference through the lens of medicine, Piotr Chaniecki, Advisor to the ICTER Management Board for Ophthalmology, shared his observations:

This year’s CRATER conference was like a compass that showed the direction of development in global ophthalmology. Fascinating lectures and poster sessions showed how new technologies will help patients keep their eyes healthy. Soon, ophthalmologists will likely have powerful diagnostic and therapeutic tools at their disposal. For me, the great value lies in learning about technologies that will speed up the diagnosis of certain diseases, giving patients a chance to recover.

Maciej Wojtkowski, director of ICTER, emphasized the importance of the conference:

CRATER provided an important opportunity for ICTER to engage with the global eye research knowledge community. Thanks to the conference, we know where we are and where we are going. This exchange of knowledge allowed us to gain valuable experience and contacts that will bear fruit in the future.

Something more than an ordinary conference

The success of CRATER 2023 can also be measured in numbers. The event was attended by 168 people who represented a variety of environments and organizations. A survey conducted after the conference showed that participants were very satisfied with CRATER 2023. When asked to rate the conference, over 60% of respondents rated it a full 10 points out of 10.

CRATER 2023 was more than just an ordinary conference; was a celebration of the relentless pursuit of scientific and technological advancements in the field of vision research.

During the conference, two videos were recorded containing participants’ statements about the future of research and the event itself. These films undoubtedly reflect the atmosphere of the event. Links to videos below:

Summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o2ekqTSF1U&ab_channel=IChFPAN.

Interviews: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BvXBZTGrsY&ab_channel=IChFPAN.

Detailed information about CRATER can be found at: https://crater.icter.pl/.

Text: Anna Przybyło-Józefowicz and Marcin Powęska.

Content review: CRATER Organizing Comittee.


As dusk falls, ICTER carries the light. Breakthrough in the diagnosis of eye diseases

We have a pair of eyes, with up to 6 million cones and 120 million rods, gifts from nature for our entire lives. It often happens that one of these elements starts to malfunction – the earlier we detect this, the better the chances of a cure. Diagnostic tools in ophthalmology are well-developed, but they can be improved and scientists at the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) are contributing to this.

The eye is nature’s unique “window” that opens in two different ways, leading to entirely different realms. On the one hand, it allows us to observe the external world, and on the other, it enables us to peer inside – into the depths of our bodies, spotting the signs of developing diseases. Unfortunately, more than 280 million people worldwide suffer from malfunctioning eyes. Aging, air pollution, poor hygiene, injuries, and genetic predispositions gradually close our window to the world.

“The human eye is an extraordinary organ, which by its complexity is unmatched by anything on Earth and probably in the Universe. However, it is such a sensitive organ that sooner or later, each of us will experience some problems with it,” says Prof. Dr. hab. Maciej Wojtkowski, Chair of the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER).

Medical progress has allowed us to manage vision disorders like cataracts or glaucoma quite effectively, but in the case of many vascular diseases, we are still vulnerable. Conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, or retinal vascular obstruction still mean a verdict for patients. There is a glimmer of hope carried by scientists from ICTER.

Precision tool for ophthalmologists

One of the most fundamental and accurate tests used in eye disease diagnostics is optical coherence tomography (OCT). It allows the individual eye structures to be viewed in detail, but when used for early detection of subtle pathological changes, it becomes much more challenging.

The team of scientists at ICTER decided to change that by introducing a new imaging method derived from OCT. This led to the creation of even more advanced spatio-temporal optical coherence tomography (STOC-T), which suppresses noise and enables the acquisition of precise images, thereby facilitating the diagnosis of early-stage disease changes. One of the applications of the STOC-T technology is Optoretinography (ORG).

The solution developed by ICTER is fundamental for advancing our understanding of ocular disease diagnostics. Instead of scanning the eye with coherent light (as in traditional OCT), STOC-T uses several hundred different laser patterns to illuminate the retina within nanoseconds, capturing the reactions to this light with a superfast camera. This process is explained in detail in the video “ICTER: Brightening Up Life”: https://youtu.be/Z5VoDjg-JB4.

Through the computational analysis of gigantic datasets, doctors receive more precise and sophisticated information about the eye’s condition. This method significantly improves the visualization of retina and choroid images, which until now was not possible.

“I’m conducting research aimed at finding methods for treating blindness. Eye function is more critical than structure because often in the course of a disease, we first observe changes in function preceding changes in structure. Therefore, highly sensitive measurements of eye function are crucial for monitoring and detecting pathological changes in tissue,” says Professor Olaf Strauss, an experimental biologist at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

A Breakthrough in Eye Diseases Diagnosis

This technology will allow ophthalmologists to diagnose eye diseases much faster and efficiently than today. Most importantly, the patient examination itself will take only one-hundredth of a second (compared to several minutes for current OCT examinations). An ultra-fast camera, capturing 100,000 frames per second, sends gigantic data sets to a computer and allows the receptors’ response to light to be observed.

ICTER’s software processes this data and creates an image that can be compared to what a microscope provides. Currently, ICTER is studying the specific receptor movements associated with certain diseases. This will enable rapid and more precise diagnoses of many eye diseases, as well as post-therapy monitoring.

“Early diagnosis of these conditions would potentially limit their negative effects in about 90% of cases. By employing the STOC-T research method, we provide the opportunity for in-vivo studies of pharmacological therapies, supplying essential information about the quality and efficacy of proposed eye disease treatments,” explains Professor Maciej Wojtkowski, Chair of ICTER.

With STOC-T technology, a clinical research market for cutting-edge eye therapies, including gene therapies, could emerge. Furthermore, the STOC-T diagnostic equipment is compact and portable, making it suitable for any ophthalmology clinic once commercialized.

What the ICTER is?

The International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) is a research and development centre created to develop state-of-the-art technologies to support the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, facilitating the rapid implementation of new therapies. It is a subunit of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, where five research groups work on the same topic from various perspectives, continually exchanging ideas and results to achieve a high level of synergy and interdisciplinary research.

ICTER’s overarching scientific objective is to thoroughly study the dynamics and plasticity of the human eye, leading to the development of new therapies and diagnostic tools. ICTER collaborates with some of the most prestigious ophthalmological institutions in Europe and North America, including the Institute of Ophthalmology at University College London and the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute at the University of California, Irvine. ICTER was founded by Prof. Dr. hab. Maciej Wojtkowski, a laureate of the International Research Agendas program conducted by the Foundation for Polish Science.

The Project International Centre for Translational Eye Research (MAB/2019/12) is carried out under the International Research Agendas programme by the Foundation for Polish Science, co-financed from the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund.

Press release: editor & journalist Marcin Powęska.

Scientific proofreading: Dr. Karol Karnowski.

Media Contact:
Dr. Anna Przybyło-Józefowicz
Tel: +48 694 605 398 / E-mail: aprzybylo-jozefowicz@ichf.edu.pl.


ICTER’s Overview Report 2019-2023

We are pleased to present the ICTER’s Overview Report for the years 2019-2023.

This report offers an insightful look into our organization:

  • Discover our dedicated team and their collaborative spirit.
  • Explore our unwavering mission to advance global eye health.
  • Learn about the funding that fuels our initiatives.
  • Gain insights into our impactful grant projects.
  • Trace our journey through a brief overview of our history.
  • Delve into our contributions to the field through publications.
  • Understand our communication and outreach strategies.
  • Explore our fruitful collaborations with industry.
  • Connect with our network and ecosystem.
  • Meet our diverse research groups and their focus areas.
  • Stay informed about our hosted events and notable visitors.
  • Join us in celebrating the recognition and awards received.

Discover the report and join us in our ongoing mission to make a positive impact on eye health globally.